Lose an average 10-15% body weight in 16 weeks Congratulations on taking your first step towards your weight-loss journey. Standard Metric Weight Height Continue Tell us a bit more about yourself Please select your age and gender Your age Gender Please select Male Female Prefer not to say Continue Back Have you ever had esophageal, stomach, bariatric or bowel surgery? Yes No Back Unfortunately the Allurion Programme is not suitable for individuals who have undergone bariatric, gastric or esophageal surgery. Restart Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? Yes No Back Unfortunately, you might not be eligible Unfortunately the Allurion Programme is not suitable for individuals who have undergone bariatric, gastric or esophageal surgery. Great news! You could lose up to - with the Allurion Balloon! Your BMI is You are not pregnant Start my weight-loss journey find a clinic near me Find out more Restart