Le Meilleur Moyen Pour les Hommes de Perdre du Poids

Quel est le meilleur moyen, pour les hommes, de perdre du poids ?
Vous êtes peut-être en quête d’un corps parfaitement façonné par le sport. Vous cherchez peut-être à trouver plus d’énergie, à vaincre vos maux et vos douleurs, à réduire les risques de diabète et de maladies cardiovasculaires, à dormir mieux, à améliorer votre humeur et à mieux profiter de la vie. Ou peut-être voulez-vous juste pouvoir enfiler cette paire de jeans jamais portée, qui attend au fond du placard ?
Tous les ans, des millions d’hommes décident de perdre du poids. Vous pourriez bien être l’un d’entre eux. Toutefois, pour beaucoup de gens, la première difficulté est de savoir quelle méthode de perte de poids est la plus sûre, la plus facile à mettre en place et qui sera vraiment efficace sur le long terme. De nombreuses options alternatives pour perdre du poids rivalisent entre-elles pour capter votre attention. Mais par où commencer ? Pour les hommes – et les femmes – de tout âge, il est évident, d’un point de vue clinique, que le meilleur moyen de perdre des poids pour les hommes implique d’augmenter son activité physique tout en réduisant ses apports caloriques.
Tout le monde n’est pas ravi à l’idée de faire un jogging tous les jours, de pratiquer un sport en club ou de partir pour des sessions cardio à la salle de sport. De nombreux hommes mènent une vie trépidante qui ne facilite pas l’implication dans une routine sportive qui prend du temps.
Mais ça ne veut pas dire qu’on peut rester assis dans son canapé et ne rien faire !
La bonne nouvelle, c’est que quelques petits ajustements sur la vie de tous les jours peuvent faire perdre des calories et contribuent vraiment à la réalisation de ses objectifs de perte de poids.
- Au lieu d’appuyer sur le bouton de l’ascenseur, prenez plutôt les escaliers. Sortez du bus avant votre arrêt et marchez le reste du trajet.
- Après toutes ces années à y penser, relookez enfin votre jardin ou votre garage.
- Oubliez votre voiture et pédalez vers vos rendez-vous ou pour voir vos amis.
- Adoptez une gentille boule de poil pour vous accompagner au quotidien, et retrouvez d’autres propriétaires de chien pour des balades régulières.
- Faites du yoga ou du Pilates. Inscrivez-vous à un cours de danse, ou mettez simplement de la musique, et lâchez-vous.
Une fois devenu actif, réduire les apports caloriques reste un défi peut-être plus difficile. Il existe sur le marché un nombre incalculable de pilules pour perdre du poids et de compléments alimentaires, en plus de centaines de régimes miracles, qui ordonnent d’arrêter tel ou tel aliment. Mais, de nombreux hommes le savent trop bien, la souffrance d’avoir toujours faim vient à bout des meilleures intentions du monde.

Une fois devenu actif, réduire les apports caloriques reste un défi peut-être plus difficile. Il existe sur le marché un nombre incalculable de pilules pour perdre du poids et de compléments alimentaires, en plus de centaines de régimes miracles, qui ordonnent d’arrêter tel ou tel aliment. Mais, de nombreux hommes le savent trop bien, la souffrance d’avoir toujours faim vient à bout des meilleures intentions du monde.

Une fois devenu actif, réduire les apports caloriques reste un défi peut-être plus difficile. Il existe sur le marché un nombre incalculable de pilules pour perdre du poids et de compléments alimentaires, en plus de centaines de régimes miracles, qui ordonnent d’arrêter tel ou tel aliment. Mais, de nombreux hommes le savent trop bien, la souffrance d’avoir toujours faim vient à bout des meilleures intentions du monde.

Le ballon Allurion (autrefois connu comme le ballon Elipse) se présente sous la forme d’une gélule facile à avaler, et se déploie ensuite dans votre estomac pour devenir un ballon gastrique rempli de sérum physiologique. Il est placé en toute facilité par un médecin lors d’une consultation de 15 minutes, sans endoscopie*, anesthésie ou chirurgie. Cela crée naturellement une sensation de satiété, limitant l’envie de manger.
Le programme complet associe le ballon gastrique à un programme de suivi personnalisé comprenant la balance connectée Allurion, la montre connectée Allurion, et l’application Allurion, en plus de six mois de soutien personnalisé. Avec le programme Allurion, les hommes peuvent perdre 10 à 15% de leur poids en moyenne, en seulement 6 semaines1, tout en développant de meilleures habitudes qui perdureront toute la vie.
Ballon gastrique Allurion : réservez votre consultation gratuite dès maintenant
Avant toute chose, vérifiez à l'aide de notre calculateur instantané d'IMC votre éligibilité au ballon gastrique Allurion.
Si vous êtes éligible, la prochaine étape est simple : réservez en quelques clics votre consultation téléphonique gratuite.
Vous pouvez également poser vos questions et échanger avec un conseiller Allurion en nous contactant ici.
Pour avoir plus d’informations sur le programme Allurion, rendez-vous sur https://www.allurion.com/fr-ca
The Swallowable Gastric Balloon Program: Global Experience in 3716 patients (Ienca, 1 Nov 22)
* Le retrait du Ballon Allurion peut, dans des cas très rares, nécessiter une intervention endoscopique ou chirurgicale. Dans de rares cas, au lieu d’être évacué par le tube digestif, le ballon vide peut être expulsé en vomissant.
The impact of excess weight on men’s health
Obesity is linked to a range of health conditions in both men and women, including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.3 In addition, obesity may also play a role in the development or management of several conditions that specifically affect men. These include:
- benign prostate hyperplasia (or an enlarged prostate gland)
- erectile dysfunction
- hypogonadism (when your body doesn’t produce enough testosterone and/or sperm)
- male infertility
- prostate cancer
The link between men, weight and infertility
It’s estimated that infertility affects as many as 186 million people worldwide. In Western countries alone, it’s thought that 15-25% of couples cannot conceive, or become pregnant, after 12 months of trying.
Male infertility contributes to more than half of all cases of global childlessness.4,5 In men, obesity may lead to an increased risk of infertility.6 In men, overweight and obesity is associated with lower pregnancy rates, but more research is needed in this area, including into the impact of weight loss.7

The link between men, weight and prostate cancer
New insights from a comprehensive study reveal a significant connection between weight-linked body fat and risk of fatal prostate cancer. This extensive analysis, involving over 2.5 million men from 20 studies, found that every 10 cm (3.9 inches) on a man’s waist increased his odds of dying from prostate cancer by 7 per cent. The findings applied to belly fat as well as to overall body fatness.8
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and the second most common cause of cancer death in males. While certain risk factors like age, family history, and ethnicity are beyond our control, identifying weight as a modifiable risk factor could be crucial in reducing the risk.8
The results align with several previous studies that linked a higher amount of body fat to fatal prostate cancer, with central adiposity (fat around the belly and waist) appearing to be particularly important.8 Higher amounts of body fat (adiposity) were linked to higher likelihood of fatal prostate cancer. Every five-point increase in BMI was found to increase the risk of dying from prostate cancer by 10 per cent, while a 5 per cent increase in total body fat percentage raised the risk by 3 per cent.8
The authors concluded that men with higher total and central adiposity have a higher risk of dying from prostate cancer than men with a healthy weight.8
While the mechanisms behind the link were unclear, it’s possible that prostate cancer is more difficult to detect in men with obesity, leading to it later diagnoses when the cancer is harder to treat.8
The study provides yet another reason to encourage men to maintain a healthy weight.
In addition, weight loss can help improve erectile function, hypogonadism and infertility in men living with obesity. It can also help manage urinary tract symptoms that can result from benign prostatic hyperplasia.9,10
Even so, some men are reluctant to ask for help to lose weight. This may be due to a lack of basic nutritional knowledge or simply that men have traditionally been less concerned about their weight or appearance than women.11-13 Often weight-management programs are biased towards the needs of women.14 However, at Allurion, we are committed to providing inclusive and personalized solutions for everyone, recognizing the unique challenges and goals that men face on their weight loss journey.

Effective weight loss for men with the Allurion Programme
So, where to start? For men of all ages, the scientific evidence is overwhelming: the best way to lose weight is through a combination of reduced calorie intake, physical activity advice and support, and the introduction of long-term behaviour change techniques.17
As with women, a good weight-loss program should be personalised and tailored to your weight-loss goals and to your lifestyle.
How the Allurion Programme works
The highly customisable Allurion Programme is a proven and effective method for healthy and sustainable weight loss. It combines the use of the Allurion Balloon —a temporary gastric balloon— with a 6- to 18-month behavioural change program. This comprehensive approach addresses both physical and psychological aspects of weight management, ensuring long-term success.

The Allurion Balloon is an innovation in weight-loss science that’s been developed to help control your appetite, portion sizes and combat the frustration of ‘never feeling full’. Recommended by doctors, it helps you feel fuller faster and stay fuller for longer, so you consume fewer calories while feeling satisfied.
It is placed quickly and easily at an Allurion partner clinic during a simple 15-minute visit – there is no need for surgery, endoscopy, or anaesthesia.
Alongside the Allurion Balloon, the Allurion Programme includes:
- Medical expertise and support from the clinic team, from the first consultation to balloon placement and all throughout the entire programme
- Personalised guidance from your nutritionist, including nutrition coaching, activity and behaviour change guidance and strategies that work for your lifestyle, plus ongoing tracking and support
- A suite of digital tracking tools such as the Allurion Connected Scale, the Health Tracker and the Allurion App, allowing your care team and you to share the same information, track your progress together and make adjustments when needed.
Read more about the holistic approach of the Allurion Programme here.
Results from the Allurion Programme have been proven by numerous clinical studies. Patients lose on average 10-15% of their total body weight in approximately 16 weeks, and 96% of the weight loss, on average, can be maintained even one year after the balloon passes out of the body.18

Customising weight loss for men: understanding the unique considerations
The impressive results achieved with the Allurion Programme highlight the importance of personalisation in an effective weight loss programme, particularly when it comes to nutrition. While broad patterns of healthy eating apply to both men and women, understanding the subtle differences in dietary needs is crucial for men on a weight-loss programme.
For example, men tend to need more calories than women to fuel an average day. The US Department of Agriculture’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans outlines different daily nutritional goals for men and women.15
Macronutrient levels, including for protein and fibre, are elevated for men, as are minerals including magnesium. Women, on the other hand, require higher daily levels of calcium and magnesium. Recommended daily intake of some vitamins also varies according to gender.
It’s a similar story when it comes to hydration – men generally need more fluids than women each day.16 This is especially important to know if you’re increasing your daily activity levels as part of your weight-loss plan.

When you join the Allurion Programme, your nutritionist will work with you to create a personalised plan that addresses your specific nutritional needs while maximizing your weight-loss goals. This will ensure you get all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals you need for optimal function and performance.
An active lifestyle: a key pillar of weight loss success
Being active is a vital element of your journey towards long-term weight loss success. Our programme emphasizes the importance of incorporating regular physical activity into your lifestyle, as it plays a significant role in accelerating your weight loss progress.

Engaging in exercise not only helps you shed pounds more effectively but also offers a myriad of additional benefits. By staying active, you can reduce stress levels, improve the quality of your sleep, and boost your mood, ultimately contributing to an overall sense of well-being.
Read more about exercising with the Allurion Balloon here.
When you join the Allurion Programme, your clinic team will work with you on an exercise plan that aligns with your preferences and weight loss goals.

Now, we know that not everyone relishes the idea of daily jogging, organised sport or cardio sessions in the gym, and that's perfectly understandable. Busy lifestyles often make it difficult to dedicate time to an extensive exercise routine. The good news is that making small tweaks in your lifestyle can make a significant difference in burning calories and helping you reach your weight-loss goals.
Some ideas to get you going:
- Take the stairs instead of hitting the elevator button.
- Hop off the bus or metro one to two stops earlier and walk the rest of the way to work or home.
- Give the garden or garage that makeover you’ve been promising.
- Leave the car at home and cycle to work or to see friends. If you’ve got kids, do the school run by bike.
- Make a furry friend part of your life and meet other dog owners for regular walks.
- Take up yoga or Pilates. Join a dance class, or just turn up the stereo and do your thing at home.